A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, December 19, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida. 


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Martin Shank                                      President

            Theodore Mena                                   Vice President

            Duane Holland                                    Secretary


            Also present were:


            Kenneth Cassel                                   District Manager

            William G. Capko                               District Counsel

            Dan Daly                                             Director of Operations

            Kay Woodward                                  District Accountant

            Jan Zilmer                                           Human Resources

            John McKune                                      District Consultant

            David McIntosh                                  Wastewater Department

            Ed Stover                                            Water Department

            Randy Frederick                                 Drainage Supervisor

            Cory Johnson                                      CH2M Hill

            Michael Bone                                      Lanzo Construction

            Joe Brown                                           Lanzo Construction

            Rhon Ernest-Jones, PE                       IBI Group

            Ken Fink                                             Bramatrak, Inc.


            The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken during the December 19, 2011 CSID Board of Supervisors Meeting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Roll Call

            Mr. Cassel called the meeting to order and called the roll. 


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Approval of Minutes of the November 14, 2011 Meeting

            Mr. Shank stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the November 14, 2011 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor the minutes of the November 14, 2011 meeting were approved.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Audience Comments

            There not being any, the next item followed.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Consideration of Emergency Purchase

This item is for a new backup pump.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the purchase of a new backup pump in the amount of $17,540 was approved.


            Mr. Stover reported it will take two weeks to receive the pump and approximately three days to install it. 


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Project Updates - Lanzo

            Mr. Brown provided the Board with a project update and the following was discussed:


            Plant F

·         Touching up on interior paint.

·         Testing interior troughs of the clarifier.

·         A substantial completion list has been created and items were added by Mr. Cassel and CH2M Hill.

·         There was a walkthrough today with CH2M Hill.

·         Additional items will delay the project another month. 

Nano Plant

·         Individual train testing was completed.

·         Several problems arose during the consecutive three train test.  This is an operational problem.

·         At the previous meeting a variance was requested as to what is considered substantial completion.  Specifications require all three trains to run simultaneously.  They want to be relieved of this requirement. 

·         Mr. Shank asked about the substantial list.  Mr. Brown responded there was consensus on different items in question regarding pipe supports and grating.  There is a plan to resolve these issues.  They will focus on completing the list.

·         The Broward County Health Department has to perform testing after substantial completion.

·         They are alternating between the three trains to keep them wet.

·         Mr. Johnson stated there are problems for which they have not found the cause.  There is odd water quality coming into the plant causing frequent backwashes, which causes pressure problems.  CH2M Hill is trying to determine the source of water quality issues. 

·         Mr. Shank asked what they are doing to resolve this. 

·         Mr. Johnson responded they discovered this issue today when they were trying to get enough well capacity running to do the three train test.  There was significant backwash frequency on the sand strainers.  There is white residue in the water and they are trying to determine the source.  The District is having them analyzed. 

·         The District can continue to treat water with the lime softening plant and backpressure to divert flow to the membrane plant to remove debris from the lines.  Mr. Johnson hopes to accomplish this in a week. 

·         Mr. Shank asked if there were solutions to the hydrogen sulfide gas smell.

·         Mr. Johnson responded they are working with Broward County to determine what to do. 

·         There was a brief discussion regarding the Pilot Testing Report.  Mr. Shank stated the introduction to the report mentioned sulfides in the water and it was left out of the conclusion.  Mr. Johnson explained he wrote the report and performed the pilot testing.  The goal of the study did not have to do with sulfides.  The goal of the study was to determine the fouling potential of the raw water in the membrane. 

·         One option, which is often used, is to run a chlorine line to the water, partially oxidize the sulfide and off-gas the rest of it into the atmosphere. 

·         Mr. Shank wants potential solutions from CH2M Hill.

·         Mr. Shank asked if Mr. Easton agreed with the substantial completion list.  Mr. Johnson responded the list consist of important items of which consensus was reached.

·         Mr. Mena requested Mr. McKune express his opinions on items discussed during the meeting.  He also requested Mr. Johnson try to attend all regular meetings.

·         Mr. McKune stated if he disagrees with anything being said he will speak up.  He stated Mr. Johnson is doing a good job of taking charge and trying to get consensus from everyone.  When they run a test to try to resolve an issue, another issue arises.  There are no definitive answers at the moment. 

·         Mr. Cassel stated he observed a cohesive team between CH2M Hill, Lanzo, Mr. McKune and Mr. Brown brainstorming for resolutions. 


A.                Request for Retainage Reduction

            The following was discussed:

·         Mr. Cassel received the request Friday afternoon and has not been able to analyze it.  There is potential for some reduction in retainage, but he is not comfortable with recommending a figure at this time. 

·         There is $640,000 in retainage.  Mr. Cassel recommends maintaining a substantial amount.

·         Mr. Bone stated there are several vendors with retainages held for over a year.  They had to pay some of them because they refused to come out and start up the equipment.  Some of the vendors are threatening to sue.  He would like $300,000 to $400,000 released. 

·         Mr. Mena is open to releasing some of the retainage in accordance with Mr. Cassel’s recommendation. 

·         Mr. Cassel is comfortable releasing $150,000 to $175,000. 

·         Mr. Shank would like to continue this meeting to January and decide on a figure then. 

·         Mr. Capko mentioned the Board can authorize the District manager to release a not to exceed amount.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the Board authorized Mr. Cassel to release retainage at an amount not to exceed $150,000.



SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Consideration of Proposals for District Engineering Consultant

            The following was discussed:

·         McKune & Associates, Inc. and IBI Group responded to the RFQ for engineering consultant.

·         Mr. Ernest-Jones from IBI Group addressed the Board and discussed his qualifications as well as his desire to work with the District. 

·         Mr. Mena stated he is pleased with Mr. McKune’s work and pointed out he has 35 years of experience with the District.

·         Mr. Holland agreed with Mr. Mena.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the Board approved engaging McKune & Associates, Inc. as the District engineering consultant.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                      Approval of Invoices for McKune & Associates, Inc.

            There being no questions or comments,


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the invoices from McKune & Associates, Inc. were approved as submitted.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Appointment of Designated Person(s) to Administer and Allocate GASB-54 Projects

            Ms. Woodward discussed the following:

·         GASB has a new rule requiring the District to allocate the general fund balance into additional categories.

·         The existing designated and undesignated fund balance will be reassigned titles of ‘assigned’ and ‘unassigned’. 

·         There are three other categories, but they do not apply to the District at this time. 

·         The Board can authorize someone to act on their behalf to assist auditors and maintain changes to designated projects.  Ms. Woodward recommends designating Mr. Daly and Mr. Cassel to assign funds.

·         Mr. Cassel explained nothing in the Capital Program from 2008 will change or get funded without going before the Board for approval.  The Board has final control of what funds are used for.  This allows staff to work directly with the auditors and place funds in the correct categories.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the District Manager and Director of Operations were authorized to administer and allocate GASB-54 projects.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Consideration of October Invoice for CH2M Hill

            The Board reviewed the invoice submitted by CH2M Hill and the following was discussed:

·         Mr. Shank does not understand why the District is being charged for CH2M Hill’s internal project coordination. 

·         Mr. Johnson explained managing staff working on the project or conversations held with Mr. Easton are inherent of what he needs to do as the Project Manager.

·         Mr. McKune explained this is for work outside the original lump sum agreement.  It is additional payment after 22 months.

·         Mr. Shank does not see why the Board should be paying for the O&M manual on a monthly basis. 

·         Mr. McKune explained Ms. Fritch keeps track of all O&M submittals provided by the contractor in addition to other services provided as the ‘half’ employee under the lump sum agreement. 

·         Mr. Capko stated the task performed is listed as processing final O&M manual.  It sounds as if it is part of the lump sum.

·         Mr. Johnson will correct the language and verify whether Ms. Fritch did anything with the O&M Manual. 

·         The Board does not agree with charges associated with invoice preparation.

·         The Board took out charges associated with Ms. Fritch and Ms. Oblaczynski in addition to the charges Mr. Cassel removed for Plant F.


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor the Board approved payment to CH2M Hill for the October invoice in the amount of $45,463.62 minus the deductions made at the meeting.


TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                           Staff Reports

A.                Manager

·         Monthly Sewer Break Report

·         Monthly Water Break Report

·         Utility Billing Work Orders

            The above items were provided to the Board for informational purposes.

·         Mr. Holland asked what happens if a cleanout is not located.

·         Mr. Daly explained they are located with a metal detector, but if they have a plastic valve it makes it more difficult to locate.

·         Cleanouts are often buried by landscapers. 


·         Update on Backflow and Grease Trap Ordinances

Mr. Cassel reported the following:

·         He met with the City Attorney and staff last week to discuss suggested changes to  City Ordinance 2011-128.

·         They will include Royal Utility, the City of Coral Springs, CSID and NSID so there is consistent enforcement of the backflow preventer ordinance throughout city limits. 

·         An ordinance has not been drafted yet for grease traps, but they will take the same approach. 

·         The purveyors will track commercial properties for grease trap maintenance within their jurisdiction. 

·         CSID has a system in place for backflows, and grease traps will be added to it. 

·         The District will enforce initial tracking for everything within its service area. 

·         Code enforcement will be handled by the city. 

·         Mr. Shank asked about backflow at the Coral Square Mall.

·         Mr. Daly is waiting for the ordinance.  Several letters were sent to them and they were ignored. 

·         Mr. Mena stated this type of control is new to the city and suggested Mr. Cassel make recommendations to the city.

·         The city discussed a possible interlocal agreement.  This can become complicated and is not recommended. 

·         The Board can adopt a resolution to enforce the city’s ordinances within the District. 


B.                 Director of Operations

·         Water

·         Sewer

·         Stormwater

·         Field

            Mr. Daly reported the following:

·         The Holiday Parade was a success and staff enjoyed participating in it. 

·         He will be working on the next newsletter.  Mr. Shank stated he will write something for it. 

·         The Florida Association of Special District will have a meeting on January 18, 2012.

·         The data flow system is still going through permitting. 

·         He spoke with Ms. Heafy on the phone.  She did not receive Mr. Daly’s emails inviting her to attend the meeting last month.  She works for Ms. Hines who does emergency management for the city.  Ms. Heafy was not happy restaurants were not notified of the boil water advisory. 

·         Mr. Shank feels the city should require all restaurants to sign up for the Code Red system. 

Mr. Stover reported the following:

·         They have been working on meeting a number of objectives. 

·         They set up meetings with CH2M Hill and Lanzo to discuss the nano plant. 

·         Mr. Shank asked if acid is still leaking.  Mr. Stover responded it is.

·         Mr. McKune stated the vendor was scheduled to be there today.

·         Mr. Shank asked about the RFQ for slakers.

·         Mr. McKune is waiting for drawings from the slaker manufacturer.  A site plan needs to be done and electrical work is involved as well. 

·         Mr. Cassel asked what the status was in trying to locate parts for the old slakers.

·         Mr. Stover contacted someone from a company the District used to work with and is awaiting a call-back.  In the past this person was not able to locate parts. 

·         Mr. McKune received an email from a pump manufacturer regarding the injection well pump.  It needs to be repaired because it is an emergency pump.  It cost $15,000 to get the necessary part.  This person deals with a firm in Texas which casts steel impellers and sells them for $3,800.  The shaft which goes with the impeller cost $1,500.  Mr. McKune considers this an emergency.

·         Mr. McIntosh stated the initial estimate to repair the pump was $11,000.  A new pump cost $23,000.  It takes 12 to 14 weeks to get a new pump.  Because this is an emergency it is better to repair it.  The person performing the repairs found additional problems.  The total cost is estimated at $16,600.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the Board authorized expenses not to exceed $17,500 to repair the emergency back-up injection well pump.


·         Mr. Shank asked if there were any issues with spillover from the nano plant.  Mr. McIntosh confirmed there were no problems. 

·         Mr. McKune stated they are trying to get the Health Department to provide certification for partial operation in order to operate two trains.  CH2M Hill needs to provide certification to the Health Department stating the trains are built in accordance to the plans.   

·         Mr. Frederick stated there is an erosion problem at one of the pump stations.  Bids will be obtained for the repair work.  It will be done as a design build. 

·         Mr. Shank stated SWCD is redoing their pump station and asked if we can contact them. 

·         Mr. Cassel explained it is a different issue. 

·         Mr. Shank asked if there is any information on ownership of areas with erosion problems within the District. 

·         Mr. Frederick stated most erosions have not reached private property and are on District property. 

·         Mr. Cassel suggested looking at the list of addresses from aerials and pick out the areas which need to be surveyed.  The area on NW 121st Terrace was surveyed. 

·         A list of locations with erosion problems will be provided to the attorney.


C.        Attorney

Mr. Capko provided an update on pending legislation.

·         Mr. Mena was able to set up a meeting with Senator Ring.  Mr. Lewis, Mr. Capko and Mr. Cassel attended the meeting. 

·         The meeting went well and Senator Ring does not have a problem with the District’s legislation unless someone brings an issue to him about it. 

·         Ms. Harris, the Executive Director of the Broward Legislative Delegation, has other local special district bills which need to be amended.  She will schedule a Delegation meeting for the first or second week of January in Tallahassee. 

·         There are two issues worth considering an amendment to the draft bill.

·         Mr. Capko recommended drafting an amendment to the District’s bill.  The way the bill is currently written does not require the Board to have staggering terms if they decide to keep the current three member format. 

·         The only negative issues raised at the Delegation meeting had to do with raising Supervisors’ compensation.  Eliminating this request will increase the bill’s chances of getting passed.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the Board approved drafting an amendment to the District’s proposed bill requiring the Board to have staggering terms and eliminating the request to increase Supervisor compensation.


·         There were no responses from the Broward County School Board and CH2M Hill to letters sent by Mr. Capko.

            D.        Engineer

·         Project Status Report

            The above item is for informational purposes only.  There was no further discussion on the report.


ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                  Approval of November Financials and Check Registers

            There being no questions or comments,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the financials were approved. 


TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                     Supervisors’ Requests

            The following was discussed:

·         Mr. Shank requested the meeting be continued and would also like to schedule workshops.

·         Mr. Holland requested a facilitator to help process the meetings. 

·         Mr. Fink provided a proposal to the Board for their consideration.  His rate is $100 an hour. 

·         Mr. Holland stated this is a fair rate for a facilitator. 


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor the Board approved engaging Mr. Fink’s services as a facilitator with a limit of 50 hours.


·         Mr. Mena and Mr. Holland commented on the Holiday Parade.  They appreciate staff’s participation. 

·         There was Board consensus to hold a workshop after the continued meeting on Wednesday, January 4, 2012


THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS              Adjournment

            There being no further business at this time,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the meeting was continued to January 4, 2012 at 2:30 p.m. at the District Offices.





Kenneth Cassel                                               Martin Shank

Assistant Secretary                                         President